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Symptoms of Rubella in newborns

Contingent upon while during the pregnancy the embryo is contaminated, it might have no indications or might be stillborn. Babies who endure may have various birth deserts. These birth absconds are alluded to as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).  The most well-known indications of innate rubella disorder in infants incorporate: Low birth weight  Small head/ Microcephaly   Brain inflammation Cataracts Damage to the retina Hearing loss Heart defects Enlarged liver and spleen Bruises or other skin spots Enlarged lymph nodes

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron- deficiency anemia

Factors which increase iron intake and absorption:

  1. Encourage breastfeeding during the first 6 months (iron absorbed better from formula milk).
  2. If fed formula milk, use those fortified with iron.
  3. Baby cereals contain extra iron.
  4. Standard cow's milk not recommended below 1 year of age.
  5. Fresh fruit and vegetables (vitamin C) enhance iron absorption by changing ferrous (predominant in vegetables) to better absorbed ferric iron (predominant in meat).
  6. Foods are rich in iron (red meat, oily fish, dark green vegetables, beans and pulses, dried fruit, and nuts).
  7. Avoid high-fiber foods and tannins (tea) as they decrease iron absorption.


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