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Symptoms of Rubella in newborns

Contingent upon while during the pregnancy the embryo is contaminated, it might have no indications or might be stillborn. Babies who endure may have various birth deserts. These birth absconds are alluded to as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).  The most well-known indications of innate rubella disorder in infants incorporate: Low birth weight  Small head/ Microcephaly   Brain inflammation Cataracts Damage to the retina Hearing loss Heart defects Enlarged liver and spleen Bruises or other skin spots Enlarged lymph nodes


Rickets is a failure in the mineralization of growing bone. It is most commonly secondary to nutritional causes. In fully developed bone this is called Osteomalacia. The daily vitamin D requirements are 400 IU.


Vitamin D intake inadequate: 

  1. Nutritional: Prematurity (osteopenia of prematurity), Breast-fed infants more at risk, Poorly fed infants (malnutrition).
  2. Malabsorption- coeliac disease, steatorrhoea, cystic fibrosis, Inadequate sunlight exposure (especially in dark-skinned).                                                        

Metabolism of vitamin D:

  • Renal disease.NB: PO4 Increases
  • Liver disease
  • Anticonvulsants, e.g.phenytoin (metabolizes vitamin D)

Phosphate excretion increased:

  • Familial hypophosphatemic rickets
  • Vitamin D-dependent rickets - type I or type II (receptor defect)
  • Fanconi syndrome


  1. Head - large anterior fontanelle with delayed closure (>2 years), craniotabes (ping-pong ball skull), frontal bossing.
    Ping-pong ball skull

  2. Chest - enlargement of costochondral junctions (Rachitic or rib rosary), Harrison sulcus, pigeon chest.
  3. Thickened wrists and ankles.
  4. Bowlegs, knock knees.
  5. Dwarfism, pot belly, muscular weakness, kyphosis, small pelvis, coxa vara.
  6. Late dentition with enamel defects.
  7. Greenstick fractures.


  • Biochemical investigations.
  • X-ray of the left wrist (or left knee if <2 years):
    • Widened epiphyseal plate
    • Cupping and fraying of the metaphysis
    • Increased joint space
    • Line of calcifications seen when healing
    • Cysts, subperiosteal erosions, fractures, Looser's zones, osteopenia if severe.


This is with vitamin D in the necessary form:
  1. Nutritional rickets - Calciferol (D3)
  2. Renal disease - Alphacalcidol (1 alpha OHD3) or calcitriol (1,25(OH)2D3)


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