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Symptoms of Rubella in newborns

Contingent upon while during the pregnancy the embryo is contaminated, it might have no indications or might be stillborn. Babies who endure may have various birth deserts. These birth absconds are alluded to as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).  The most well-known indications of innate rubella disorder in infants incorporate: Low birth weight  Small head/ Microcephaly   Brain inflammation Cataracts Damage to the retina Hearing loss Heart defects Enlarged liver and spleen Bruises or other skin spots Enlarged lymph nodes

Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)

Trisomy 18, also called Edwards syndrome, is a chromosomal condition associated with abnormalities in many parts of the body. Individuals with trisomy 18 often have slow growth before birth (intrauterine growth retardation) and low birth weight.

Clinical features are:

  1. General: Low birth weight, fetal inactivity, single umbilical artery, skeletal muscle and adipose hypoplasia, mental deficiency.
  2. Craniofacial: Narrow bifrontal diameter, short palpebral fissures, low-set abnormal ears, smallmouth, micrognathia (very small lower jaw), epicanthic folds, cleft lip, and/or palate.
  3. Hands and feet: Overlapping of index finger over 3rd and 5th finger over 4th. Clenched hand, small nails, rocker-bottom feet.
  4. Trunk and pelvis: Short sternum, small nipples, inguinal or umbilical hernia, small pelvis.
  5. Genitalia: Cryptorchidism (absence of one or both testes from the scrotum)
  6. Cardiac: VSD, ASD, PDA, bicuspid aortic+ pulmonary valves
  7. Other organs: Right lung malsegmentation or absence, renal and gastrointestinal abnormalities
50% die within the first week and only 5-10% survive the first year. Recurrence risk is low unless parental translocation is present.


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